Thursday, December 29, 2011

What's Wrong with Establishment Republican Strategy

Here is the question: what's wrong with the establishment Republican strategy that has their ideal nominee backed by only 20-25% of the Republican electorate in every poll since the end of the 2010 election?

Here is the entire answer: the establishment believes things will go back to the way they've been before.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Money, Money, Money, Who's Got the Money

Many conservatives remain deeply fearful that a successful Obama campaign will be fueled by tanker trucks filled with the mother's milk of politics: cabbage, cash, cha-ching, coins, dough, gravy, green, jingle, moola, payola, pimp juice, or -- in other words -- all kinds of money!

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Race for the Republican Nomination

Voting to commit delegates for the Republican National Convention will commence in just over two weeks with the Iowa caucuses, or, as Rush deems them, the Hawkeye cauci.

The poll summaries for the first three contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, reflect in differing measures those for the nation as a whole and the differing constituencies represented in those states.  New Hampshire and South Carolina are for their regions favorite son, and Iowa is... well, Iowa.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Greedy, Fascist, Racist Republicans; Bill of Rights Day

My brother sent me this link this morning as a birthday greeting.

He often sends me Bill Whittle's Firewall bits, I really loved this one, and I'm sure you will, too.

And yes, I was born 64 years ago today, six years and a world war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor postponed indefinitely the effort to have December 15 declared a national holiday to commemorate the ratification of the Bill of Rights.

NM Supports School Choice

A September survey of 808 New Mexico registered voters by The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice in conjunction with the Rio Grande Foundation shows 2 to 1 support for school choice under each of three different funding options:
  • Tax credits for donations to non-profit foundations that make tuition grants
  • Publicly funded vouchers for families that reallocate school district funding
  • Educational Savings Accounts

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Has the ABQ Journal Done with Winthrop Quigley?

In just the last few weeks, Winthrop Quigley, the writer of the Albuquerque Journal's Money & Medicine column, has made a sharp break with progressive fallacy and economic fantasy and turned sharply toward economic reality and freedom.

Here [sorry, subscription required] is today's column in the Journal's Business Outlook, but the latest example of this trend.  Only the last 6 of 33 column inches sounds at all like the old progressivist Quigley.